Kindergarten Two-Way Dual Language Immersion

The goal of a two-way dual language immersion is for participants to attain bilingualism and biliteracy in English and Spanish.

Campuses with Two-Way Dual Language Program

Crockett Logo

Campus Website

Henderson Logo

Campus Website

Johnson Logo

Campus Website

Admissions Process

  • Complete the online Bryan ISD new student registration

  • Attend the parent informational meeting OR watch the informational video (will be added after the informational meetings take place)

  • Complete the Two-Way Dual Language Immersion Program application

Proceso de admisión

  • Completar la inscripción en línea del nuevo estudiante del distrito Bryan

  • Asistir a la reunión informativa para padres o ver el video informativo (se agregará después de que se lleven a cabo las reuniones informativas)

  • Completar la solicitud del Program de Lenguaje Dual de Dos Vías

Additional Information

Información Adicional

